Managers and coaches who do not attempt to carry out the rules, policies, and intentions of this organization are subject to forfeiture of games, suspension, termination and\or probation as determined by the CYBL Board.
All rules are subject to change as deemed necessary by the CYBL Board.
1.) Any player, manager, or coach ejected from a game shall be ineligible for their next scheduled game (including make-up) subject to Board of Directors review.
a.) Any manager, coach or adult spectator ejected from a game, must leave the playing field and go to the parking lot within three (3) minutes and not re-enter for the remainder of that day. Any player ejected shall remain in his/her team’s dugout for the remainder of that game and shall refrain from making personal remarks toward the umpires or other team.
b.) Persons ejected during games which are rained out and are not “official” shall sit out the next scheduled league game and the make-up game when applicable.
c.) Umpires are required to file a written report on the same day as the occurrence of an ejection of a player, manager, coach, or spectator with a CYBL Board Member. CYBL will notify other inter-league parks of any suspensions. If no written report is received the suspension for the next game rule shall not apply.
d.)Appeals of ejections must be in writing and filed by noon of the following day of the occurrence with any CYBL Board Member (e-mails are acceptable).
e.) Any coach, manager, player or spectator ejected two or more times during a season may be placed on suspension for the remainder of that season.
f.)Escalation Prevention Rule: Upon the 2nd ejection of any person (player, fan, coach) from 1 team for any reason in the same game, the umpire will declare a forfeit against the offending team. This also will result in Forfeiture of any remaining games to be played that day.
g.)Managers are responsible for the actions of players, coaches and fans. Umpires may eject a manager for the actions of a player or coach if they feel the manager fails to gain control of their player, coach, or fan. If this occurs, the manager is eligible to participate in the next game pending report and recommendation by umpires. This will not be considered a second ejection unless the manager is ejected for a second offense/action.
h.)Managers are responsible for the actions of fans, should a fan be ejected the team manager is ejected as well. If this occurs, the manager is eligible to participate in the next game pending report and recommendation by umpires. This will not be considered a second ejection unless the manager is ejected for a second offense/action.
2.) Managers, team officials, and spectators must not razz, abuse, or embarrass players of his or the other team. Players are not to razz players or cast slurring or personal remarks at the opposing team. The practice of yelling “cut”, “strike”, or “swing batter”, or any other words that are designed to cause a batter to swing at a pitch, against his will, or the heckling of the opposing pitcher, in any manner, will not be allowed. The coach should strive to coach in such a way as not to distract the opposing pitcher in any manner. This is considered un-sportsman like conduct, against the rules, and is prohibited. Managers who do not attempt to secure order may be reported by umpires or other persons to league officials for further action.
3.) Manager or other team officials will absolutely refrain from comments or actions that disparage the decisions of any UMPIRE before, during, or after the game.
4.) Managers, players, team officials, spectators, or umpires will absolutely refrain from making remarks about or threats of physical harm to any manager, team official, spectator, player or umpire.
a.)PENALTY: Violators will be ejected from the game, game will be forfeited, and the violator will be suspended from managing, coaching, playing, score-keeping, speculating, or umpiring the remainder of the baseball season and will be subject to review by the Board of Directors. In severe cases, the Board may issue fines, probation, or suspensions for a period to exceed one (1) year. The maximum fine is set at $500.
5.) The use of foul or profane language is prohibited by managers, coaches, players, spectators, umpires, and Board Members.
6.) The use of tobacco or alcohol in any form in seating areas, dugouts, and playing fields is prohibited.
7.) Players are not allowed in the coach’s box.
8.) A manager or coach of a defensive team must not delay the game to confer with a player or players on the field more than one (1) time during one (1) inning.
a.) PENALTY: Should he/she delay the game a second time by conferring with a second player or players during one (1) inning, the player or players shall be removed from the game unless when such player is the pitcher, then he is removed from the mound. Violations of this rule must be determined before the next ensuing pitch. If a player is removed because of a violation of this rule, for re-substitution, refer to Player Re-substitution Rule. Insistence on the part of either manager to delay the game or have conferences in any manner is considered grounds for the umpire to declare a forfeit.
b.) PENALTY: Violation of any pitching allowance shall result in forfeiture of game upon legal protest of opposing team.
9.) Recreational Managers and coaches are required to obtain the CYBL Approved Certification for each season.
10.) Managers shall allow no more than 3 certified coaches (including her/himself) on the field unless otherwise specified by rule. All coaches shall remain within arm’s length of the dugout entrance unless otherwise permitted by the rules of the game (coach’s boxes, trips to mound, conference called by umpire, etc.).
11.) Managers shall attend the preseason coaches meeting or designate a team representative to attend.
12.) Managers are to notify their CYBL and age coordinator at least 72 hrs. in advance of scheduled game times should their team not be able to play. Teams that do not meet this rule are subject to a $75 per game fine to cover costs of umpires, field preparation, and rescheduling. The fine must be paid within 48 hrs. or additional penalties will be imposed.
13.) Managers are responsible for their team parents and players adherence to the rules of CYBL. This includes the player eligibility rules and age limitations.
14.) CYBL fields are for game play only. Managers may request scrimmages on fields and pay the city usage, umpire, and maintenance fees. Managers shall inform players and parents that pick-up games and practices are not allowed on fields.
15.) CYBL Managers are to fully support and carry out the rules, policies, and intentions of this organization, or may be subject to forfeiture of games, suspension, termination, fines, and\or probation as determined by the CYBL Board.
16.) Managers are responsible for checking their teams schedule daily. Weather and other reasons occasionally require that the Board reschedule games. If a game is rescheduled and published 96 hrs. or more prior to its play date/time, managers will not receive additional notice. If within 96 hrs. of rescheduled time managers will be contacted by e-mail or phone. Rescheduled games are not negotiable. Teams are expected to play when scheduled/rescheduled.