Updated 12-1-24
USSSA RULES will apply at all CYBL games, subject to the following amendments:
Rules subject to change if determined by the league as necessary.
All Ages
- Diamond Dol-A baseball or equivalent must be used (except for 4u).
- No warmup on the infields.
- Score reverts back to last completed inning if home team is not ahead when time expires.
- If the USSSA run rule has been reached, that score will be final; however, play will continue until the game time has expired. The scoreboard shall not reflect any additional runs after the run rule has been reached (15 runs after 3 innings, 8 runs after 4 innings).
- On defense, no player shall sit 2 innings in a row, nor shall they sit more than 2 innings in a game.
- No player shall start on the bench 2 games in a row.
- Bat the entire lineup every game.
- No automatic out will be enforced for players who miss an at bat if they are injured during the course of the game.
- A legible copy of a line-up card must be given to the opposing team and the Umpire before every game (except for 3/4u tee-ball)
- If your team forfeits a game, without CYBL approval, you will also have to forfeit your next game. The 2 opponents that you forfeit against, will play each other at the normal time of your 2nd forfeited game (View Details).
- If a player, parent, fan or assistant coach is ejected from the game, the head coach will be ejected as well. Anyone ejected in a game will also be suspended from their next game.
- "Drafted" and "Select" teams will be separated as fairly as possible Click here to read more details on Drafted vs Select Team.
3u/4u Tee-Ball
- Bat entire line-up every inning.
- No inning will be started with less than 5 minutes left in game time.
- Batter gets 3 swings only. On the 4th swing, the coach will help the batter put the ball into play.
- Runners will advance one base at a time and will not have to go to the dugout even if they are tagged or forced out.
- Offense can have a base coach at each base.
- Offense must announce when their last batter steps up to the plate. That batter will "run a home run" after putting the ball into play.
- Defense can proceed to get an out however they wish on the last batter, but the batter will continue their home run.
- Soft 9.5” baseballs must be used.
- Drop dead time limit 50 minutes.
- Only 3 defensive coaches allowed in fair territory during play.
- Score and standings not kept by league.
5/6u Modified Coach Pitch
- Batter gets 5 pitches, option to use tee on last 2 pitches. Foul on 5th pitch is an out.
- The batter and runners can only advance 1 base when the ball is hit off a tee, and only if they are forced.
- Limit of 5 runs per inning.
- Drop dead time limit 1 hour.
- Team starting with 9 can play without an automatic out.
- Only 2 defensive coaches allowed on the field during play (must stay outfield).
- “Time” shall be called as soon as all the runners are not attempting to advance, and the defense is not attempting a play.
7/8u Coach Pitch
- Batter gets 6 pitches or 3 swings but continues batting if last swing is foul.
- Limit of 5 runs per inning.
- Drop dead time limit 1 hour 10 minutes.
- Team starting with 9 can play without an automatic out.
- “Time” shall be called as soon as all the runners are not attempting to advance, and the defense is not attempting a play.
9/10u Kid Pitch
- Limit of 5 runs per inning.
- Drop dead time limit 1 hour 20 minutes.
- Umpire may give warning for a balk.
- Dropped 3rd strike rule not in effect.
11/12u Kid Pitch
- Limit of 5 runs per inning.
- Drop dead time limit 1 hour 20 minutes.
- Umpire may give warning for a balk.